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Why Work at a Midwest Summer Camp?

Sick of working the same meaningless job every summer? You’re in luck! Working at camp in the Midwest is one of the most rewarding summer jobs imaginable. The impact you have on campers reflects on you, your character, and the friends you make will last a lifetime.

When you work at Camp Kupugani, you’ll have the best summer of your life! Each summer, we ask potential summer staff, “Why do you want to work at camp?” The answers are generally focused on “impacting the lives of kids” or “I want to do something different this summer.” No one says, “Because I need to make a lot of money.” That said, at Camp Kupugani, a significant portion of camp tuition goes to compensating our staff at a level well beyond that of other camps. 

Although we have a very competitive pay scale (and progressive, performance-based pay evaluations) camp isn’t about what you put in your bank account at the end of the summer; it’s about what you put into your mind and your soul. Working at camp is about personal growth and development, quality relationships, camp community, excellence in a job well done, and most of all, the most fun you can have in a summer! No matter what camp you choose, you should feel that the camp is a good “fit” for you (and consider working at a camp that is accredited by the American Camp Association).

If you love being with children, being a mentor, acting goofy most of the time yet knowing when to be serious, enjoying the outdoors, making amazing friendships, and most of all being able to walk away at the end of summer saying, “How do I get to be on staff again next year?” camp is for you!

The Magic of Camp is Contagious!

The relationships that you make at camp are amazing. Not only will you meet fantastic, diverse campers, but you’ll meet fun, vibrant, spirited staff also. After working at camp, you’ll walk away with a deeper sense of self and appreciate the impact that you had on a young child’s life. Once you work at camp, you’ll never want to go back to anything else.

Working at Camp Kupugani in Leaf River, Illinois

Camp Kupugani counselor giving a thumbs up
  • Since 1951, Camp White Eagle has provided for children a secure summer camp environment that encourages the discovery of self and a sense of wonder in the natural world. We continue to help children build a sound foundation in the art of harmonious living, skill training, and enjoying rewarding, educational, and fun experiences. As part of the camp community, staff members establish quality relationships with each other during camp, and are also able to spend limited time-off together (occasional evenings, when not on duty, or on designated time off). On their time off, groups of staff sometimes organize trips to Freeport, Rockford, Chicago, and Madison, Wisconsin, to enjoy shopping, restaurants, outdoor activities, and movie theaters.

Counselor Testimonials

How a Camp Counselor Job Helps Your Resume

Sound Fun? Ready To Go To Camp?