Camp Kupugani Blog
So It Begins
Session two is under way, with the campers and parents receiving a warm welcome with a tour of the grounds, cooked to perfection hot dogs and burgers plus the great pot luck dishes brought by camper families. The campers are now settled into their cabins after an evening’s welcome, delicious first meal at camp, fun with Ship Island and RoShambo Evolution, and a key log ceremony around the camp fire. Campers are smiling, making friends and getting excited for tomorrow’s activities. Let the fun BEGIN!!!!
Farewells and Fun
Another beautiful day with the ladies from Kupugani. This morning a fond farewell to our two-week campers being treated to a parent show with the pictures and videos from the session, then a fantastic day with the four-weekers at Magic Waters on a perfect, sunny 85-degree day. Mico and Mama had a blast too!
The Last Day
So the sun goes down on another amazing two weeks of Camp Kupugani. The day we have been putting off for two weeks, the final day. But what a great day it was!!!! Our last day kicked off to a great start as the campers enjoyed a morning of eco challenge. We had climbing by the river, swimming in the sun, mud volleyball, crate stacking and some of our campers made tie dye shirts!!!! Campers finished the day with a journey to the campfire, a reflective hike down trials and […]
Time goes way too fast when you have fun…camp is nearly over for session one! After a great night yesterday of “untalent” and “talent” at our Untalent Show, and some great dancing at the dance, some of the ladies went to the top field and did “solo” sleeping under the stars. Mother Nature working her magic I think. Today was the time, yes that time when our campers strive for excellence, play fair and have an super amazing time at the Kupugani olympics……..GaGa, Slip n slide relay, Mud tug o […]
Attention: Backwards Day at Camp!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of allllllllllllllll ages……….it’s the moment we have been all been waiting for…….the……..Camp Kupugani ‘Untalent Show’ and dance whoooooooooooooooooooooooooop! The ladies are prepped, the stage is down, the decorations are up, and the PA system is rigged up and ready to go. We are expecting skits from individuals, camp friends, cabins etc, singing, dancing, acting, improv, you name it happens here 🙂 We don’t just encourage them to become empowered women, we encourage them to have fun. And after the sweet untalent show, we […]
Kupugani Flag Flying High!
Walking up the What a puff a me trail first thing in the morning and seeing the Camp Kupugani flag flying is awesome. People, dreams truly can come true 🙂 This morning during team time, the ladies really stepped up their comfort levels by doing leans and lifts as further trust building activities. It was very cool to witness the development over the last 9 days. Now, after a tasty lunch and a restful Siesta, it’s the girls favorite part of the day CAMPTIVITIES. We thought why not have an […]
Week Two Begins…
What a weekend! Yesterday we had a very busy, fun cabin day, which included the annual camp photo and also a waterfront activity afternoon. The heat continued its fine form for us and the mid-session relaxing/chill break was awesome and amplified the developing friendships camp is creating…..grrrrrrrrl power rocks! The beginning of week two started amazingly, with the Taco ingredient game during teams, another busy session at the pool and also some cool Kupugani benches were made that will be painted and put around camp for future and current campers. […]
Week One Ends in Style!!
The hot sunny days are awesome and they keep on coming 🙂 The camp wide soccer game we had was awesome, with some shining performances from both counselors and campers, and a final score of 2-1 to the counselors capped an awesome game. One of the most notable performances was from Kupugani director-in-training 5 year-old Mico who saved several late efforts to deny a late tie or victory for the campers. This was swiftly followed by a refreshing water break, La Tienda time, and then a camp pool party to […]
Enjoying the Warm Weather at Camp!
Ms. Sunshine definitely bought the heat today! After a slow start to the heat, it picked up over lunch and produced an awesomely hot day!! The pool was a big favorite today, with playing with Mico, and a diving contest making for great additional fun. Tonight we played Snake tail which is a very cool crazy game of tag, and then we had our traditional returning camper ceremony where 2nd year, 3rd year and 5th year campers were given their Kupugani mementos. Playing in the sun has made us all […]
Sunshine Will Do Me Fine!
I’m alive, awake, enthusiastic…I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic! Goooood morning folks! The weekend is nearly upon us, as is the 95 degree heat we have been expecting and looking forward to as a reason to do even more water activities! Last night we went on a secret mission to cover the mirrors at camp so the ladies can feel empowered and recognize that inner beauty is of critical importance…the cool part is that no one seems to mind the lack of mirrors. I sense this crew of young ladies could […]
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!
Evening all! Today has been a beautiful, sunny hot day…high 80s and more to come this weekend 🙂 That’s what we like to hear. After being sure to get hydrated and stay hydrated at lunch and via our delicious fresh water, the ladies had a super active day including river float, canoeing and pool to enjoy the weather via awesome water activities. To chill out after the heat and water, there were fort building and improv lessons…only at Camp Kupugani, right? Well, the campfire has wound down, having sung some […]
Good Morning Good Morning the Little Bird Said…
Hellllllooo! Well, what a great night’s sleep…..I hope the campers enjoyed theirs as much as I did 🙂 I’m sure many of them did on super comfy new 5-inch mattresses! And now our awesome facilities manager Brian has put the cool nets up over our new mud volleyball and new sand volleyball courts, and also prepared some great building ideas for camp building projects like super cool Kupugani benches, and also some sweet bat boxes. We’ll try to add some pics of the ladies building away when they do those […]