5 Reasons Why Your Children Are Safe With Us
Especially in a world where many perceive risks to pervade their day-to-day lives, the last thing that parents need to worry about if their child is safe as s/he is away at summer camp. There are several reasons why parents can rest assured that their children are in good hands while at Camp Kupugani.
Here’s Why:
- The topography of camp (i.e. bluffs, cliffs, water, rural location bounded by large farms and forest) prevents / minimizes any outside access. This includes the thick brush and trees that prevent outsiders from looking in and the fact that camp can only be accessed by a single, rural gravel road. This gravel road is accessed generally only by those who live there or those who service those homes.
- Rural cultural norms and courtesies create an additional awareness of vehicles / people who don’t live on the rural road. When driving down the road, it’s common to receive friendly waves from residents. The small town that camp is located outside of, as well as the surrounding towns and villages are close-knit. Neighbors know each other, and chances are if you don’t know or recognize someone, ask one other person, and s/he will know that other person. Suspicion arises quickly if strange vehicles that aren’t known by the locals pass by.
- We are part of the Ogle County Sheriff’s regular patrol route. The police make their presence known and do not tread lightly with suspicious activity.
- Our camp staff members are trained to recognize, interact with, and assess any unauthorized/unrecognized visitors to camp. Under no circumstances do campers interact with or come into contact with anyone who is not associated with the campsite.
- Also, these same camp staff members undergo stringent reference and background checks, acknowledge and abide by child abuse and internet policies, disclose health information and other various precautions before being allowed to work among the campers. An intense screening process ensures that your children are surrounded by only the best.
So, with the ideal location, safe surroundings and qualified staff, Camp Kupugani is one of the safest places for your child to be this summer. Which city or metropolitan area can promise your children the same safety?