Should Siblings Attend Camp Together?
At our children’s summer camp outside of Chicago, we have sessions for girls-only, boys-only, and a blended session (with intentional opportunities for them to interact). So there are options when considering the best option for a single child. When there are other siblings in the family, you should also consider whether it’s better for them to attend camp together, or to be able to have their own individual camp experience.
Here are some useful factors to analyze about siblings going to camp together:
Single-Sex or Not
Consider whether the individual child would benefit specifically from a blended experience or if a single-sex atmosphere would give the child more freedom to just be themselves free of that particular pressure. (More on the benefits of single-sex camps at this link).
Owning an Individual Camp Experience
Consider whether one or more of your children should “own” their own camp experience, free of the other siblings.
4-Week Separation
Consider whether you think it’s beneficial for your children to be away from the other sibling(s) for 4 weeks (given the sequential dates of the camps).
Potential for a Child-Free Household
Consider whether it’s beneficial for the adults in your family to be completely child-free for two weeks, or have one child at a time for four weeks.
Family Summer Schedule
Consider how the specific dates impact your family’s summer planning (since that may make other considerations moot).