A Tenacious Thursday with the Girls!
On this Terrific Thursday, all of the campers woke up around 7 and got ready for the day. They headed to morning circle and then enjoyed a breakfast of eggs, oranges, and Natasha’s renowned coffee cake – always a big hit among the campers. After some camp chores, the campers broke into their teams for team-building activities including lineups, stand ups, and hula-hoop passes. Each of these activities required trust and communication, which helped the campers better connect with their peers. After team time, the campers did a “nature search and swatch” scavenger hunt. They were on the hunt for “something fuzzy” “something alive” “something beautiful” and more! For lunch we enjoyed hot dogs, potato chips, and juice. After a rejuvenating siesta, the campers broke into their first camptivity. For our second camptivity, we had a pool party to beat the heat! We ended our day with a dinner of hamburgers (from locally raised beef) and a campfire to celebrate friendship as the evening activity. What a great way to end day 5!