Fabulous Friday with the Girls!
We started off the day by waking up in the cabins after a good night’s sleep. Everyone was up by 7 to shower, brush their teeth, and get dressed for the day before heading to morning circle. Today, our senior campers got to run camp for the day! They led our morning circle, camp songs, and took care of all of the announcements throughout the day. For breakfast we had bagels, bacon, and eggs, while welcoming visitors from the American Camp Association for their accreditation visit (completed with flying colors, as usual). After breakfast, we broke into our cabin groups to take care of our chores. Then we met with our teams and did some reflective activities about our values, backgrounds, and pastimes. After we finished, it was recess time–time allotted to campers so that they have a chance to enjoy camp without highly structured activities. After that, another good lunch before returning to our cabins for siesta. After A rest, the afternoon camptivities began! Because of the warm day, the first camptivities were mellow or water-based, before we had an all-camp pool party (complete with occasional mandatory water-drinking breaks). After that, we came down to the Dining Hall porch to sing songs while waiting for dinner. For our evening activities, the younger campers played Gaga ball, and those who were 13 and older participated in a deeper, reflective activity. It was a very impactful and eye-opening experience for them, and their debrief and discussion afterwards reflected that. After that, we returned to our cabins to get ready for bed and get some rest for tomorrow. Another good day at camp!