10 Tips to Raise Environmentally-Conscious Children
At Camp Kupugani, our overnight summer camp that offers girls-only, boys-only, and blended (intentionally co-ed) programming, we try our best to be “green” or environmentally-conscious. We recycle, minimize water usage, and try to be cognizant of energy use. Especially as the results of our global unfriendliness to Mother Nature become increasingly apparent, it becomes more critical to have our children treat our world kindly. A recent article has some good tips on how to raise an environmentally-conscious child; check out our bullets below, with the full article here.
Environment Tips
- Encourage a love for animals
- Bonding with animals gives respect for all animals
- Volunteer at the local animal shelter
- Interact with nature
- Take them outdoors
- Have them attend a summer camp (wink wink)
- Start a garden
- Encourage a green thumb by giving them a small garden
- Gardening helps to put one in a good mood
- Plant trees
- Can provide good exercise
- Join/create groups to plant saplings around your community
- Conserve water and food
- Measure food waste at meals
- Show them how important water and food are to our survival
- Recycle waste
- Teach kids about what can and can’t be recycled
- Make recycling a habit that starts at home
- Maintain cleanliness
- Teach kids to use trash cans (not the ground)
- Keep your house clean and they will keep the earth clean
- Join camps
- Join camps that have a nature focus
- Go natural
- Use natural products at home
- Help your children see the difference in products that are natural
- Grow your own food
- Use the food grown in your garden
- Growing one’s own food helps foster a healthy diet
Source Article: https://www.mylittlemoppet.com/